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What if the agrochemicals used in your production had Artificial Intelligence?

Article-What if the agrochemicals used in your production had Artificial Intelligence?

What if the agrochemicals used in your production had Artificial Intelligence.png
It may seem like a science fiction movie idea, but the way to make it a reality is already being paved

The purpose of this innovation is to offer producers more efficient solutions, making planting safer against diseases, weeds and pests, according to Syngenta's Head of Crop Protection Research, Camilla Corsi,

With Artificial Intelligence it is possible to design many different parameters at the same time, achieving compounds with high efficiency and low environmental impact. In addition, the expectation is to speed up the selection process of the molecules (currently, the development of a new molecule costs between US $ 180 million to US $ 200 million), reducing the time of development of new products, which will reach the market more quickly. , with more effective formulas, both in the productive and environmental sense. “This is an unprecedented gain for producers”, says Camila.

As the partnership between Insilico Medicine and Syngenta excels in a new format for the development of molecules, there is no way to predict release dates for products that integrate such innovation.



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