Sheep farming, or sheep farming, is an activity that stands out in the Brazilian agribusiness. 

The versatility of products such as meat, wool and milk, combined with the  animals’ adaptability to different climates and pasture conditions in Brazil, make this activity an attractive option for several producers.

However, it is a segment that requires a lot of care, from the selection of the most appropriate breed to marketing strategies. 

Therefore, we invited two Embrapa experts to talk about this activity.  Here they are:

  • Espedito Cezário Martins, researcher in the Socioeconomics department of Embrapa Goats and Sheep; and
  • Fernando Henrique Albuquerque, researcher in the Production Systems department at Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.

So, are you ready to learn more about sheep farming?  Read on for details from these experts.

Overview of sheep farming in Brazil

Responding to the demands of society, sheep farming has been growing in recent years.

Proof of this are the IBGE figures for 2023, published in the Pesquisa da Pecuária Municipal (PPM 2023).

They show that the total number of sheep in Brazil in 2023 was 21,792,139 head, which represents an increase of 1.26% compared to 2022.

In terms of the distribution of herds by region, the Northeast region maintained its leadership, with a total sheep herd of just over 15.5 million heads, representing about 71.2% of the national herd. 

Next, the numbers show: 

  • Southern Region, with a herd of 4.2 million head, about 19.4% of the national herd;
  • Central-West Region, with a herd of 861,752 head, which is equivalent to 4.0% of the national total. 
  • The North and Southeast regions represent 2.9% and 2.6% of the national herd, respectively.

As far as consumption is concerned, it occurs in butcher’s shops, large restaurants and steakhouses.  There, lamb is a noble product and has its market established in large centers, guaranteeing an added value that supports the entire production chain. 

This scenario is highlighted in the Southeast region, where a large part of the consumer market is concentrated.

The most common sheep breeds in Brazil

The success of sheep farming depends on several points which we will see later in this article. 

But the first step is to know the most common breeds in Brazil and to make the right choice for each condition.

As already presented, the Northeast and South regions of Brazil are two traditional regions that stand out in the number of sheep herds. 

“In these regions, the predominant breeds are Santa Inês and Dorper, in the Northeast, North, Midwest and Southeast regions.  In the South, the breeds with the presence of wool are more common, with Corriedale and Texel being the most common”, highlights Fernando Albuquerque.   

The Embrapa expert emphasizes that in most herds in these regions, the sheep are not registered in breed associations.  “The animals are of the Santa Inês type, of the Corriedale type, or more often, mestizos of the breeds mentioned above”.

The researcher points out that the most common crosses in the Brazilian sheep industry in recent years have been with Dorper breeders. 

“In the Northeast, North, Midwest and Southeast regions, the most common crosses are of Dorper sheep with Santa Inês or mestizo sheep,” he points out.

In the south, crosses of Texel and Ile de France sheep with wool-producing breeds are common. 

However, the use of Dorper rams is becoming more common in crosses for the production of lambs for meat production.

When choosing a breed, the researcher suggests that the producer should consider: 

  • The production objective of the herd (meat, milk or wool); 
  • Specific market requirements; 
  • Characteristics of adaptation of the animals to the climate of the region where the property is located; 
  • Farm management conditions (types of production systems: intensive on pasture or in confined, semi-intensive or extensive).

Food, health and structure deserve to be highlighted

As with any livestock activity, success in sheep farming depends on excellent planning and discipline. 

These are animals well adapted to the Brazilian climate and diet, due to years of domestication, but they still require a lot of care.  Here are a few:

Suitable place for raising sheep

Since they are grazing animals, they need the green area to be extensive but well managed. 

The land must be completely fenced to protect the sheep. It should also be drier than humid to prevent disease.

In addition to the pasture, Fernando Albuquerque recommends using a shelter to protect them from rain and cold.  “It should always be very clean to avoid the presence of diseases,” he recommends.

Thus, according to the researcher, the most important facilities are:

  • Management corrals, for vaccination, deworming and during the breeding season;
  • Drinking fountains;
  • Troughs for bulky and concentrated feeding;
  • Salt shakers;
  • Corral for confinement, if required by the production system;
  • Scales;

Good food 

The Embrapa researcher recalls that sheep are ruminants.  Therefore, pasture is fundamental because it is the most important staple food. 

However, it does not cover all the nutritional needs that the pasture does not provide, so complementary feed are needed. 

“Concentrates are used to make up for any deficiencies in the forage,” he says.    

In addition, concentrates are an excellent strategy for increasing meat or milk production.  They can be a mixture of corn, soy, oats and salt, and a supplement for sheep.

Fernando Albuquerque also reinforces the importance of considering feeding according to the categories within the herd. 

“At the end of pregnancy, for example, sheep have a high nutritional requirement.  After giving birth, the supply must meet the demand of 1 or 2 lambs”.

Sheep health 

Never forget that sheep need to be healthy to produce quality products and to reproduce well. 

For this reason, it is recommended to always have the help of a trustworthy veterinarian to check the animals’ health and general condition at least once a month. 

What about marketing?  How to sell sheep production?

Marketing the results of sheep production is a great challenge for producers. 

This is because the activity is less organized compared to cattle and poultry production.

In addition, according to Espedito Cezário Martins, commercialization involves several steps. 

“The producer has to deal with transportation, classification, cleaning, standardization, storage, among others, until it reaches the level of transactions between economic agents, which can be both individuals and legal entities”.

In general, marketing is carried out by all the links in the chain when they sell their products.  Specifically, in addition to producers and consumers, the following are involved in the marketing process: 

  • Slaughterhouses. 
  • Intermediates 
  • Support organizations such as stock exchanges, public markets, supply centers, insurance companies, transportation companies;
  • Logistics 
  • Advertising Agencies; 
  • Manufacturing industries, among others.

In general, the researcher affirms that in the Northeast of Brazil, the commercialization of sheep meat is still characterized by informal commercialization channels, in rural areas and small cities.

“We still have little participation from agroindustries (slaughterhouses) and formal commercial points,” he says.  

However, the development of some economic centers in the semi-arid region, such as Petrolina in Pernambuco and Juazeiro in Bahia, has stimulated public and private investment in this activity.

In the metropolitan areas of the large cities of the Northeast Region and Brazil, several restaurants specializing in the sale of sheep meat have appeared. 

“Such restaurants, popularly known as “sheep”, have boosted the consumption of sheep meat in large cities,” adds Espedito.

The production of sheep’s milk in Brazil is still incipient.  There are reports of rural producers willing to invest in this activity, but there is still no official data that quantifies the production of this product in the country. 

According to the FAO, the world production is about 10 million tons per year.  The main sheep milk producing countries are:  China, Greece, Turkey, Syria and Romania.  There are also no records of production in Brazil.

This means that sheep farming is a promising activity for Brazilian agribusiness.  With planning, investment and technical knowledge, it is possible to obtain good results and ensure the sustainability of production.