Three questions help you to guide all the work with the pasture to feed the cattle well throughout the year! But remember to check the quality of the soil, the climate of the region and the size of the cattle.
Which grass to have on the property?
High grass (Panicum) and low grass (Braquária) are the most common and can be given to any cattle. However, it is best to never have just one type, since the properties do not have uniform terrain.
For those who produce dairy cattle, the most suitable is elephant grass.
How to prepare the soil?
The place must be plowed and barred;
Have humidity controlled;
Control insects and pests;
Be protected against erosion;
Have the unwanted vegetation removed;
Conduct an analysis to assess the use of corrective materials;
Receive the distribution of limestone, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.
How to have a good pasture all year round?
First important care is to use high quality seeds: healthy, vigorous and free from contamination by impurities, nematodes and unwanted seeds. Plant the seeds 3 to 5 centimeters deep.
Place animals in the new pasture after 40 to 75 days after forage germination;
Prioritize light animals to decrease plant removal and avoid soil compaction;
With the grass in perfect condition for use by livestock, adopt rotation to allow the pasture to rest;
Organize your property in areas by type of pasture, separate and decide where the cattle will concentrate. “The most common mistakes are having a lot of cattle in little pasture and not making a reservation for the dry season”, explains Rodrigo Barbosa Amorim, a researcher at Embrapa Gado de Corte
Cattle Supplementation
Supplementation offers what is most needed with the help of the best cattle correction ingredients. If applied correctly, it reduces the occurrence of sick animals and minimizes the severity of symptoms in those who are ill. Supplementation is recommended from birth of the animal to slaughter, regardless of gender
Understand what the purpose of each supplement is and pay attention to the results;
Choose the right supplement for each specific situation and objective;
Pay attention to the specific recommendations of the manufacturer and / or technician who formulated the supplement;
Monitor product consumption to assess whether consumption is on schedule and use corrective measures if not;
Observe how the trough dispute for the animals is going;
If you notice that animals may be hitting without consuming the supplement, increase the linear trough space offer.
In the case of drought supplements, it is essential to have a good forage mass (albeit of low quality). For that, pastures must be sealed to accumulate forage even in the water period. “The worst scenario is that of underconsumption, as we may be failing to take advantage of all the productive potential of ingested forage”, explains Sergio Raposo de Medeiros Researcher in Animal Nutrition Embrapa Beef Cattle.
All grazing animals must receive mineralized salt, as the mineral content of forages usually does not meet the requirements for performance that forage in the water allows. Mineralized animals are more resistant to sanitary challenges. The mineral salt must be available at all times to be consumed by the animals in troughs.
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